Friday 28 October 2016

KarConnect App – a Strict Master for Young Drivers

Auto-mobile manufacturers roll out brand new cars almost everyday. Set with additional features to live up to the expectation of the customers. These features are mainly to entice the teenagers and young drivers. They love long distance drives, fun trips with friends to enjoy each others company and chill out.

Young drivers and their Temperament

Any physically fit juvenile with good temperament and focus could learn to drive within few days or a month of practice, depending on their ability. However, to become an experienced driver, one needs to pursue driving for a longer duration.

Experienced drivers are alert, have good vision, obeys traffic rules, understands the flow of other vehicles on the road, and are well equipped to smartly manoeuvre  their vehicle on approaching an obstacle. They maintain a reasonable distance from other vehicle users and effectively signal other vehicle drivers.

Driving is a Dangerous Celebration

Most of the youngsters like to celebrate occasions by driving down with their friends to resorts and clubs in the far end of the city. In long distance driving, young drivers are expected to have good stamina to endure sitting in the same position for long hours. One’s concentration is the most deciding factor while driving on long routes.

Often to tackle up long journeys, young gang should go with two skilled drivers to share the total driving distance between them. This helps the first driver to rest while second drives and vice versa. Also, it helps the whole bunch of friends to enjoy equally without any mishap.

Concern of Parents

Parents are reluctant handing over the car keys to their kids as they are concerned about their driving behaviour, limited reflexes and inexperience. Technological advancement and innovation breakthrough have led to the creation of some unique smartphone apps that assists in drive performance monitoring and automobile health measurement.

Using KarConnect as Safety Measure

KarConnect is a specific device that which when connected to a car or a four wheeler scans the engine condition and measures the health of the automobile subsystem to notify the driver. These smart alerts or notifications help teenagers and young drivers to understand their driving flaws and improve upon them.
KarConnect is loaded with several features which enforce the young driver steering the wheel to abide by the rules and drive smooth. Parents could also keep a watch on their child’s driving mannerism by pairing their smartphone with the embedded KarConnect device to get frequent notifications.

Controlled Driving with KarConnect

KarConnect also analyses and transmits information like driving behaviour, engine’s health, journey details, nearby places and service centres etc. Through KarConnect mobile app. App also assists in remote vehicle diagnosis by providing the driver an established channel to communicate with the service mechanic to get their assistance.

Young blood is always up for adventure, speed and fun racing. Extreme enthusiasm and an over passionate driving sometimes lead to harsh and unintended consequences. KarConnect guides and instructs young drivers about their driving, and thus ensures that their drives are safe, smooth and comfortable.

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